How to Be More Present in Your Relationship

Relationships take a lot of work and time to build. The more you can be present in your relationship, the better. It is not uncommon for partners to spend their entire day at work or with distractions that keep them from being there with their partners. While this is understandable, it also puts a strain on the relationship. Here are tips to increase intimacy in your relationship:


It all starts with you and your partner. If you want to increase intimacy in your relationship, you need to commit yourself and each other. It’s important to set aside time for the two of you and be present. You can’t build a relationship if both partners are not present in it.

Remove Distractions From Your Life

With the average person now spending approximately one-third of their day on social media, it’s easy to see how social media can become a major distraction. Take some time to remove these distractions from your life.

One way you can do this is by signing out of your social media apps at night and turning off email notifications, so they don’t interfere with your sleep.

This will help you avoid wasting time scrolling through your feed when you could be doing something more valuable, like spending time with your partner or getting ready for bed.

Another way to avoid distractions is by setting boundaries for yourself. If you want to spend another hour on Instagram before bed, that’s fine! But if you know that browsing social media will keep you up past your bedtime, try setting a timer for an hour or two and then shut off the app. And if that doesn’t work, just turn it off completely.


We’re not talking about selflessness in the sense of being a doormat. We’re talking about doing small things for your partner that they will appreciate. For example, if they’ve had a tough day at work, offer to take care of dinner or help them load the dishwasher.

Some people are more guarded than others and might not want to talk about what’s bothering them. But it’s important to be there for them when they need you so that you can work through their problems together.

Give Without Expecting Anything in Return

Trying to constantly get your partner’s attention and constantly be the one who is giving can become exhausting. You will start to feel like you are just another person in their life who is asking for something.

It is important to try not to fall into this trap of constantly looking for reciprocity. Relationships are not always about giving and taking but about constantly investing in each other without expecting anything in return.

Giving without expecting anything back ensures that you are keeping the balance between giving and receiving. This way, you will still get the love and attention that you need without feeling like he or she owes it to you.

Commit to Your Relationship

Relationships take work. There are ups and downs, but you need to be committed to your relationship to get through the tough times. Being committed means being there for your partner when they need you most.

If you put more time into your relationship, it will pay off in the long run. It also helps you two get closer together as a couple because you spend more time together.

Being committed includes committing to at least one date night a week with your partner, as well as communicating how you’re feeling before things start getting heated. This is important, especially if one of you feels neglected from time to time.

You might have been so busy that you haven’t noticed that your partner has been feeling neglected or just really needs some extra attention from time to time. When this happens, it’s best to have a conversation about it before things start getting tense between the two of you.

Accept That It Might Take Time to See Change.

It might take a while before you notice a difference in your relationship. This is not to say that it will not happen, but you should go into this with patience and understanding. It can be difficult to see results when working to increase intimacy in your relationship. What you need to understand is that changing habits takes time, and this is no exception.

You should not expect positive changes overnight or even after weeks of work. You need to be patient and give the processing time; it may take months for you and your partner to feel different and better in your relationship.

Cultivate Shared Interests and Common Goals

Modern relationships often have a difficult time with intimacy. One of the best ways to increase intimacy is to spend a lot of time together. You can do this by cultivating shared interests and common goals.

Find things that you both enjoy doing that you want to spend more time on, or find new activities that you want to try. This will strengthen your relationship and create closeness.


One way to increase intimacy is to be present. You want to dedicate yourself to your partner and their needs. This means spending time with them, talking to them, listening to what they say, and engaging in physical touch.

For a relationship to thrive, it needs closeness and intimacy. When you are present with your partner, you create a connection that allows you both to feel safe and loved.

Put Your Phone Away

The first step to a strong relationship is being present. Nowadays, people are in relationships but rarely have time for each other. This constant use of screens can lead to feelings of insecurity and, in some cases, neglect.

Often when couples are together, they spend their time on their phone rather than talking to one another. Be mindful of how often you check your phone when with your partner. Put it away for the time you’re spending together and get back into the conversation about what’s happening in your life.

Learning how to be more present in your relationship is challenging. It’s challenging to resist distractions, commit to your partner, and work towards shared interests. But it’s also worth it. To learn how to be more present in your relationship, choose one strategy at a time and make it your goal for the week. Put your phone away, and you might find yourself feeling more connected than ever before.